Company Name |
Website |
Main Product |
Measuring Devices used in various fields, including Photovoltaic Class AAA PV Module Tester, Solar Chamber, PV KLab Mobile, Portable EL Tester |
Industry Main Business Areas |
Green Energy Systems
Company Catalog 1 |
Company Catalog 2 |
Company Information
Date of Establishment
2nd February 2012
B-302, Yongin Techno Valley, 357 Guseong-ro 16914 GIHEUNG-GU, YONGIN-SI, GYEONGGI-DO, 16914, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH KOREA
TNE TECH is a manufacturer and supplier of the measuring devices used in various fields, including photovoltaic, photoelectric, automotive and environmental energy.
Based on research staff in the relevant fields and the modularized technologies, TNE TECH provides you with the optimum measurement solution that will fulfill your demand.
TNE TECH wants to share challenges and developments with you, while regarding our promise as the top priority.
Thank you.
Certificate & License
- 2018. 05. Array I-V Measurement system copyright
- 2019. 08. Photovoltaic system patent
- 2019. 11. PV-KLAB Certificate of trademark registration
Product 1
Class AAA PV Module Tester

- Class AAA LED Solar Simulator
: Max 2,600mm x 1,250mm - Long Pulse solar simulator
- I-V Measurement System (300V, 20A, 600W)
- 30,000 hours of lamp life time
- IEC 61215-2 MQT 02, MQT07, MQT 09 Testable
Product 2
Solar Chamber

- Full Spectrum Distribution (280~3000nm)
- Continuous Solar Simulator
- Metal Halide Lamp
- Temperature & Humidity Chamber
- Electrical Dimming
- MPPT I-V Tracer
- System Software
Product 3
PV KLab Moblie

- Class AAA Solar Simulator
- Maximum power determination (STC Condition)
- Defect Test (Electroluminescence)
- Built in Energy Storage System
- All-in One Mobile Test Center
Product 4
Portable EL Tester

- 4M Pixel NIR Camera
- PV array defect tester
- Portable Inspection System
- High performance